About Me



The past can teach us a lot about where we’re going, so we don’t make the same mistakes as a species. Archeology is part of our window into discovering more about our past… Previously I have been involved with several archaeological digs throughout the country, most notably I spent two years at Barcombe, a Roman villa in sussex.


Looking to and reaching for the stars is not just a figure of speech and an ideology of mine, it’s an actual thing. I will needless to say be on a space flight as soon as able, as it’s a bucket list goal. Personally i would like to build my own craft, but perhaps at the moment that’s reaching for the stars… I guess the first step in my dream to go to the stars is to use my skills in programming to find a way in physics to make interstellar travel possible. It’s a dream but it’s a dream i’m behind.

Battle Reenactment

What can be more fun than running swinging a sword or musket. I’m really just a big kid at heart… There is something about getting dressed up and playing the part. If my life had run a different course I might have been an actor.

Board Gaming

Yup it uses the parts of the brain needed for work but it’s not on front of a computer and it’s extremely social. No table flipping here… I do prefer my science fiction and fantasy games, however the new social deduction games are also very cool. On average i board game 2/3 nights a week and i regularly go to tournaments. In the picture above is the kickstarter zombiecide. Other cool games include Battlestar Galactica. Fleet Captains. Federation Commander. Resistance. Lords of Waterdeep, Pathfinder and many more.. There are simply to many good ones…

Computer Gaming

Yup well… What can i say… I’ remember when i needed boot disks to play most of my games! Personally i’m going to throw myself behind VR when it comes out in a big way.

Favourite games are strategy games. The civ and sim series. Including Masters of Orion and Civilisation.

I’m a big anti free to play games. Simply because most aren’t actually games they’re businesses. Yes in the rare occasion the business is to make games, but most free to play games don’t create new content, they only sell you their existing content. The ones that do create new content, well they’re all about the subscription. They need to ram new ‘power’ content at the user to get and keep them constantly spending. Which unfortunately means the game experience suffers. Which leads me to the concept that free to play games that have a pay to assist or pay to win structure are deliberately creating an in game class system. Where the free to play users are deemed second class as they are not paying. This I believe is the worst thing about ‘free to play’ game that have a pay component. Games should either be free or you should have to pay. This is just my own opinion and i’m happy to share it and i hope others feel the same way.

Me personally i do like boxed off the shelf content. Give me a disk or a download that i can install and version control. Steam.. Ultimately a brilliant idea, as long as the internet’s working…

Computer Tech

Some tech i like other bits i don’t. Anything that increases productivity and saves time is good. Unless it’s tat…

I do like the interconnected always online world, it can help us so much in becoming a secure and uber productive future society. However i’m also a strong advocate for the offline society. It almost seems hypocritical, but for me, online life needs to be balanced with offline time. So walks in the country with my phone at home, do happen.


History can teach us lots of things. Most of recorded history tho is about the elite of society, how much more we could learn if there was more about ordinary people. Specifically tho learning that society hasn’t advanced much is interesting, yes we’ve evolved and yes we’ve got more technologically advanced. However if history has taught us anything it’s that with our new skills we’ve lost a lot of advanced old skills…


Progress is change in a forward direction. Learning is advancing in the correct direction. I like to think of learning as a way to increases my potential and as long as my potential is increasing, I can do more kinetically!.


Sometimes it’s not what you’ve done but how you’ve done it! Sometimes we’ve followed a well thought out plan without even knowing. The brain is a computer, it follows rules, understanding those rules can hopefully only make us better. This is something I take an armchair passion in, because i believe that to not do so is to ignore our best source of knowledge.


Yes… I have some great theories and i will get around to publishing a paper (bucket list goal)… In the mean time. I’m working on version 2.0 of my mobile physics learning tool app. At the moment i’m focusing on upgrading the look and feel to make it something more user intuitive and friendly.

I still think that there are some major discoveries left in physics. Tho i’m of the opinion that observational discoveries are going to be thin on the ground. Discoveries through understanding and pattern recognition tho. That’s a whole field we haven’t really explored. I mean we assume that everything so far discovered is correct. However if we look at modern theoretical physics, we can see competing schools of thought that both can’t be correct, however they both work. What’s to say we haven’t gone down the wrong path already?


I don’t read nearly as many books as i used to, or more accurately i don’t finish reading as many books as i used to. This is partially due to my evolving tastes but it’s also because i’m still reading lots, just not from my old favorite of a paper book…

Science Fiction

I could easily make this the biggest article… I love science Fiction! Something about allowing my brain to run wild with imagination. No boundaries and no inside/outside the box. There is no box. To me science fiction is the science we haven’t proven yet and the fabulous fiction that in an infinite universe may actually be possible somewhere at some time.

In the vast infinity of the universe, i do like the idea, that nothing is impossible. It’s only highly improbable. Because given the right circumstances and enough time in an almost infinite universe. Everything atomic/chemical in nature may be possible at least once.

“It’s not a case of if… It’s a case of when and where!”

Even the social aspect of possibility we plausibly say can occur due to quantum universes. Whilst i do like reading about alternate universes, the idea that every decision everyone and creature on our planet has ever made exists in all possibilities. Is simply to mind boggling. It would mean that there are an infinite number of alternate universes, with an infinite number that don’t have an earth and an infinite number that do. At which point you have to give up, as how can a portion of infinity be infinity? with the remaining being infinity still!


We are a social animal and i’m no different… Pub, gaming, walking or just chatting on the phone. Talking really does help.


Yes i’m Dyslexic so writing isn’t the easiest for me but i do love it. I aim to write a book that i started back when i was eight before i retire (bucket list. Tho a recent meeting with an old friend has made me think about writing a screenplay also. Specifically because the screenplay would suit my dyslexia.

I love the phrase if you give a group of primates a typewriter and enough time they will eventually produce the complete works of shakespeare. My only issue with the phrase is that the first time this happened the primates evolved into humans and one W Shakespeare did indeed write the complete works. Well back in those days they didn’t have typewriters. So to make copies the evolved primates had to write the book again in a printing press to make copies in paper. So actually if we look at this in context… Evolved primates have actually written the complete works several times… Just probably not by typewriter!